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Continuous level measurement with level sensors

In continuous level measurement, the level of a medium in a tank or silo is detected with the help of different measuring methods and converted into an electronic signal. The level signal is either displayed directly on site or incorporated into a process control or management system.

Typical applications for continuous level measurement are process tanks, storage tanks or silos in the process industry. 

The measured media are:
  • liquids
  • pastes
  • powders
  • bulk solids

Step by step to the right sensor

What would you like to measure?


Measuring principles

Continuous level measurement with level sensors


VEGAPULS: Level measurement with radar
VEGAPULS: Level measurement with radar

Guided Wave Radar

VEGAFLEX: Measurement of level and interface with guided wave radar (GWR)
VEGAFLEX: Measurement of level and interface with guided wave radar (GWR)


 VEGASON: Ultrasonic level measurement
VEGASON: Ultrasonic level measurement


VEGACAL: Capacitive level measurement
VEGACAL: Capacitive level measurement


VEGABAR, VEGAWELL, VEGADIF: Hydrostatic level measurement
VEGABAR, VEGAWELL, VEGADIF: Hydrostatic level measurement


PROTRAC: Radiation-based level measurement
PROTRAC: Radiation-based level measurement

MLI Bridle

VEGAMAG: Magnetic level indicator
VEGAMAG: Magnetic level indicator

In a nutshell: Continuous level measurement

In continuous level measurement, the level of a medium in a tank or silo is detected and converted into an electronic signal. The level signal can be displayed in the field, integrated into a process control system or an inventory management system.

What methods are used for continuous level measurement?

The following measuring principles can be used for continuous level measurement:

Which measuring principle is the right one depends on where the level sensor is to be used. We’re happy to assist you in finding the right level sensor for your application.

💡 5 important criteria for selecting the right level sensor | VEGA talk

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What are the advantages of VEGA level sensors?

Fast delivery

Although all level sensors are manufactured to customer specifications, they are delivered within a few days. 

Simple set up

Sensor commissioning is standardized across all measuring principles and can be done directly on the sensor via Bluetooth, using smartphone, tablet or laptop/PC.     

Reliable operation

To ensure reliable operation, level sensors permanently monitor the most important measured values and instrument parameters.

Where can level sensors be used?

Typical applications for continuous level measurement in the  process industry are:

  • Process tanks
  • Storage tanks
  • Silos
  • Mobile containers

Level gauges are mostly used for good such as:

  • Liquids
  • Pastes and slurrys
  • Powders, grains and granules
  • Bulk solids

What requirements must level sensors meet?

The primary goal in the manufacturing and processing of products is consistent product quality. In order to achieve this, rigorous demands, which vary from industry to industry, are also placed on the measurement technology used.

VEGA has the right level sensor for every  application:

  • Exact measuring results independent of process conditions: even at high temperatures and pressures
  • Reliable level measurement, even in the presence of foam and condensate thanks to  non-contact measuring methods
  • High mechanical stability for harsh ambient conditions

Level sensors from VEGA can also be used in these areas:

  • Hazardous areas and safety-related systems up to SIL2
  • Chemically aggressive media
  • Hygienic applications in the  food and  pharmaceutical industries  thanks to certified materials and process fittings

There are also suitable, cost-effective solutions for standard applications that place only low demands on temperature, pressure and chemical resistance.
