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Ash silo

Level measurement and point level detection in the ash silo

Process data

Measuring task:
Level measurement and point level detection
Measuring point:
Measuring range up to:
25 m
Process temperature:
+80 … +120 °C
Process pressure:
0 … +1 bar
Special challenges:
Dust and noise, material cones and angles, poor reflective properties


Large quantities of fibre waste are produced during paper production. These are dried and burned and the energy released during combustion is used as process heat or to generate electricity. The ash is stored in high silos to be later used as an additive in the building materials industry. When the ash silo is filled, a great amount of noise and dust is generated and the material forms large angles of repose and overhangs. Filling, emptying and transportation logistics are controlled through the level measurement system.

Your benefit

Reliable readings in spite of difficult measuring conditions
Cost effective
Maintenance costs removed by air cleaning of antenna
User friendly
One radar sensor for all silo sizes, simple to install

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