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Terms of use – myVEGA

myVEGA with customer-specific login data
By using “myVEGA” with the login data you are accepting the conditions of these terms of use and the company-internal processing of your customer data. 

“myVEGA” is an application on the VEGA website. It is for information purposes only and can be used without obligation. When you log in with the help of the access data, you can configure VEGA measuring instruments and obtain information on the expected delivery time and the purchase price according to the terms and conditions that apply to you. The individual terms and delivery periods determined by “myVEGA” are subject to a written confirmation from VEGA.
“myVEGA” also gives you access to your orders and related documents.
The following paragraphs supplement the general terms and conditions of VEGA and the terms of use for the VEGA website. 
You can find the general terms and conditions under, and the terms of use for the VEGA website in the company details under 

Services of VEGA
VEGA grants you herewith the revocable (can be cancelled at any time), non-transferable right to use the application “myVEGA” on the VEGA website. All other rights relating to the application are reserved.

Responsibilities of the user
The information provided by "myVEGA" is confidential. Passing on information generated by “myVEGA”, such as delivery periods, terms and conditions as well as purchase prices, to third parties is strictly forbidden.
The access data provided by VEGA must be kept secret. The access data may only be used by employees of the company specified for the access data. The user is responsible for all actions and measures carried out while using the application with these access data. 
If the name or the legal form of the specified company is changed, VEGA has to be informed about it. In such cases VEGA reserves the right to change the access data.

"myVEGA" is a voluntary and gratuitous information service provided by VEGA. Despite careful, continuous monitoring of the content, VEGA does not assume liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the “myVEGA” application. VEGA shall only be liable for damages under this agreement if the damage can be attributed to gross negligence or malicious intent. In case of gross negligence, liability is limited to typical damage that can be expected. 
VEGA does not accept responsibility for the loss of data, as far as this loss could have been avoided through daily backups of the data in machine readable form. Furthermore, VEGA accepts no liability for damage caused by other failures of the application that could have been avoided through regular, timely checks (by the user) of the operations that were carried out within the application.
This liability limitation does not apply to injury to life, limb or health; it also does not apply if more extensive legal liability provisions are involved.

Other terms
Only German law applies. If a particular provision of these terms of use is found to be void, all other provisions remain valid. Any non-effective provision will be replaced by an effective provision that upholds the economic interests of both parties to the greatest extent possible.

