Paper machine
Chemicals and auxiliaries
Wood chip siloWood chip silo level measurement
DigesterLevel detection and pressure measurement in the digester
Pipeline in the liquor recovery processDensity measurement in liquor recovery
Bleaching towerLevel measurement and point level detection in the bleaching tower
PulperLevel measurement and blockage detection in the pulper and conveyor belt monitoring
Pressure screenPressure measurement in the pressure screen
Storage towersLevel measurement in storage towers
HeadboxPressure measurement in the headbox
DeaeratorLevel measurement in the deaerator
Water separatorLevel measurement in the water separator and pressure measurement upstream of the vacuum pump
Drying-cylinderDifferential pressure measurement in the drying cylinder
Storage tanks for chemicals and auxiliary substancesLevel, switching and pressure measurement in storage tanks
Starch siloLevel measurement in starch silos and dry run protection for starch liquefaction vessels
Vacuum systemLevel and pressure measurement in the vacuum system
Hydraulic oil stationLevel and flow measurement in the hydraulic oil station
Batching tank for coatingsLevel measurement in the coating batching tank
Ash siloLevel measurement and point level detection in the ash silo
Storage tank for wet strength agentLevel measurement and point level detection in the storage tank for wet strength agent
Pumps for wet strength agentPressure measurement and point level detection for eccentric pumps
RefinerPressure measurement on the refiner
Dump chestLevel measurement in the dump chest
CleanerPressure measurement in the cleaner
Quicklime siloLevel measurement in the quicklime silo
IBC containers for paper chemicalsLevel measurement in IBC containers
Steam pipelineFlow measurement in the steam pipeline