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Compact radar sensors without dead zone deliver reliable level values in small vessels

VEGA has extended the proven VEGAPULS series with a new instrument series for continuous level measurement. The new radar instrument series is based on 80 GHz technology and, thanks to a newly developed microchip, represents a real alternative to ultrasonic technology in terms of price and performance. It is therefore also suitable for more price-sensitive applications, such as those found in the water and wastewater industry or in auxiliary systems in process automation. One special advantage is that the new sensors measure right up to the top of the vessel, with no dead zone. Typical areas of application are therefore emergency power generation systems or storage and buffer tanks.


Measurement up to the top of the container

Emergency power generators are an important safety measure for maintaining the operation of complex production systems during a power failure. The fuel is often stored in a main tank and in day tanks. To ensure that sufficient fuel is available at all times, the level in the tanks is measured continuously. The new compact sensor delivers accurate readings, even when measuring media with poor reflective properties.


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Small process fittings for cramped installation conditions

Storage and buffer tanks ensure material replenishment for ongoing processes. The new radar sensors can really play out their strengths here, as they can be used in confined installation conditions and small process fittings. The sensors deliver reliable measuring results even when there are strong vapours given off by the medium. What is more, they are Ex-approved for flammable media. So nothing prevents them from being used in a wide range of applications.


The VEGAPULS instrument series is complemented by the optional VEGAMET controllers. These have a large graphic display with which all measured values can be visualized. Since it was specially designed to meet the needs of the water and wastewater industry, the instrument series is ideal for simple implementation of pump control, flow measurement in open channels or level alarms for overfill protection . The controllers have a weatherproof field housing to protect them against the effects of weather.

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