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Pressure measurement on the refiner

Process data

Measuring task:
Pressure measurement
Measuring point:
Measuring range up to:
5 bar
Fibre suspension
Process temperature:
+20 … +90 °C
Process pressure:
+0.5 … +4 bar
Special challenges:
Pressure shocks when drive starts, vibrations


Refiners are used in paper production to grind up pulp. The main objective of the process is to impart certain properties to the pulp. Every refiner has a grinding set consisting of both fixed and rotating parts. The pressures at the input and output have to be measured for monitoring the loading and release of the grinding set as well as for display of performance.

Your benefit

Reliable measured values for the load release
Cost effective
Reliable measurement protects against damage to the grinding set and avoids downtime
User friendly
Flush mounting transmitter for maintenance-free measurement

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