TDR sensor for continuous level and interface measurement of liquids
Universal TDR sensor for liquids of all kinds
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Your benefit
- The guided adjustment enables a simple, time-saving and reliable setup
- Shortenable probes offer a simple standardisation and highest flexibility in the planning
- Comprehensive diagnostic possibilities ensure a maintenance-free operation and hence a high plant availability
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The ace for level measurement and interface measurement in all liquids

The VEGAFLEX 81 guided radar sensor is exceptional when it comes to measuring the level or interface of liquids. Guided radar is extremely versatile and can be found in almost every industrial sector. Whether bitumen or liquefied gas, in storage containers or standpipes, in a metering tank or in tank farms – VEGAFLEX 81 measures the level or interface (separation layers) of liquids with great reliability and accuracy.
Guided radar delivers reliable measurements data for control or safety systems for
- Level measurement in ammonia storage tanks
- Level measurement in standpipes
- Interface measurement in storage tanks, bypass tubes, standpipes