Sensors for aquaculture
How full is a particular tank at this moment? When do supplies need to be delivered? If you’re able to keep a close eye on the status and quality data regarding feed, fish health, water quality and environmental conditions, you can react more quickly to changes. That’s why VEGA sensors are the primary building block in aquaculture processes – they not only deliver this important data, they also guarantee higher efficiency and safety.
Efficient against fish lice
Aquaculture operators combat the spread of fish lice, either chemically or mechanically. So-called “lice tubes” are increasingly being used. When the fish swim through these tubes, the lice are mechanically sucked off their bodies using a negative pressure.
VEGA pressure transmitters ensure the correct process conditions and, thanks to their front-flush ceramic process fittings, avoid possible injuries to the sensitive animals.
To the application
Sensors for aquaculture
VEGA Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda.
Rua Werner Von Siemens, 111 Prédio 19 E-5
05069-900 LAPA, São Paulo